Strength:  Bench Press.  Wendler 5-3-1 program, week 1.  Do your warm up sets as normal.  Your three work sets are all based on 90 % of your 1 RM bench press.  If you missed 1 RM day, you can assume that your max double (we did that a few times) is 90 % of your 1 RM.

65% X 5

75% X 5

85% X 5+  (this means do as many reps as you can…to failure)

Write down your numbers!  If this is gonna work we need to take weekly notes.

WOD:  30 reps of each below.  Divide up any way you want.  Snatches are any way you want.

Snatches  (pick a load based on your movement)


WB 20/14